Funny Wet Cat Photos. Scroll down tot the bottom to watch a fabulously funny video of silly cats and kittens. You might think that pictures of wet cats could be cruel but we know that actually these soggy kitties are just finding it hard to believe that we humans could do such a thing to them.

Im giving you the evil eye. 22 Hilarious Pictures Of Wet Cats. Because cats are widely considered to be the cool and cute overlords of the internet we thought it was about time to bring them down a notch by showing you just how funny cats look when they get wet.
Top 10 Nat Geo Discoveries of 2009.
There really isnt anything funnier than a wet cat. But dont worry we have got you covered. Kate Middleton might be used to the luxuries of Buckingham Palace but she still seems impressed with this swanky Bug-ingham Palace. Wet cat wrapped with towels on light grey background.